выберите город

Норвегия предлагает уникальный опыт обучения в своих высших учебных заведениях для студентов со всего мира. 

Во всех секторах Норвежской системы высшего образования — университетах и университетских колледжах — привлечение иностранных студентов является одним из приоритетов. На данный момент порядка 12 000 иностранцев получают образование в норвежских вузах. Иностранные студенты могут самостоятельно поступать на большое количество образовательных программ, участвовать в программах обмена между учебными заведениями. 

Система норвежского высшего образования состоит из 7 университетов, 6 специализированных университетских институтов, 24 государственных университетских колледжей, 2 национальных академий искусств и 29 частных колледжей. Получение образования в высших учебных заведениях Норвегии предполагает возможность обучения на трех уровнях. Существуют программы бакалаврского, магистерского и докторского уровней, которые дают возможность получить, соответственно, степени бакалавра, магистра и доктора. 

Обучение по программам бакалавриата рассчитано, как правило, на 3 года и предполагает изучение базовых и факультативных предметов по основной специальности и написание дипломной работы. По окончании обучения выпускники получают степень и диплом бакалавра. Магистерские программы рассчитаны на 2 года и включают в себя углубленное изучение предметов по выбранной специальности и написание диплома магистра. Для получения докторской степени необходимо отучиться 3 года по программе Ph.D и защитить диссертацию по итогам проведения самостоятельных исследований. 

Высшие учебные заведения Норвегии предлагают не только широкий спектр образовательных программ, но и следят за соблюдением высоких стандартов образования. Неформальная атмосфера в университетах и университетских колледжах Норвегии позволяет студентам и преподавателям общаться не только на лекциях, но и в свободное от занятий время. Обучение часто проводится в составе небольших групп, что позволяет преподавателям уделять больше внимания каждому студенту персонально. В большинстве норвежских вузов созданы отличные условия для учебы: компьютерные классы с новейшим оборудованием и бесплатным доступом в интернет, возможность пользоваться библиотеками и посещать спортивные учреждения. 

Университетское обучение подразделяется на несколько типов: лекции, тренинги, семинары, проведение исследовательской работы и др. Существенную долю учебного материала студенты осваивают в рамках самостоятельной работы. Учебный год делится на 2 семестра. Осенний семестр, как правило, начинается в середине августа и длится до конца декабря. Весенний семестр обычно длится с января по май. В июне-июле организуются также летние школы по различным специальностям. 

Обучение в большинстве вузов Норвегии бесплатно как для норвежцев, так и для зарубежных студентов. Однако проживание и питание иностранные студенты должны обеспечивать себе самостоятельно. 

Студенты в Норвегии пользуются многочисленными льготами, такими как скидки при посещении культурных мероприятий, обращении за медицинской .помощью, проезде на общественном транспорте, и др. 

Ряд учебных курсов из разряда факультативных преподается на норвежском языке. При этом практически во всех высших учебных заведениях Норвегии иностранные студенты имеют возможность дополнительно изучать норвежский язык. Однако хорошее знание английского языка поможет Вам комфортно почувствовать себя в Норвегии, даже без знания норвежского.

Подробную информацию о поступлении и о программах Вы можете получить у специалиста Скандинавской школы на индивидуальной консультации.  

В настоящее время Университеты Норвегии 

предлагают следующие бакалаврские программы на английском языке: 

Bachelor of Arts; Nordic perspective on Politics, Biology & Management at Bodø University College 

Bachelor in Acting and Sceneography at Østfold University College/Norwegian Theatre Academy 

Bachelor in Biology at Bodø University College 

Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) at BI Norwegian School of Management 

Bachelor in Development Studies at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) 

Bachelor of Shipping and Finance at BI Norwegian School of Management 

В настоящее время Университеты Норвегии предлагают следующие программы уровня Магистр на английском языке: 

1) Agricultural sciences 

2) Architecture/Urban and Regional Planning 

3) Art and Design 

4) Business Studies/Management Science 

5) Communication and Information Sciences 

6) Economics 

7) Education - Teacher Training 

8) Engineering/Technology 

9) Geography/Geology 

10) Humanities 

11) Languages and Philological Sciences 

12) Law 

13) Mathematics/Informatics 

14) Medical Sciences 

15) Music 

16) Natural Sciences 

17) Social Sciences 

18) Other Areas of Study 

European Master of Science in Animal Breeding and Genetics (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

LL.M. in Law of the Sea (University of Tromsø) 

Public Health (University of Tromsø) 

Agroecology (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Feed Manufacturing Technology (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Architecture (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design) 

Science in Urban Ecological Planning (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

DESIGN (Bergen National Academy of the Arts) 

FINE ART (Bergen National Academy of the Arts) 

Double degree: NHH MSc in Economics and Business Administration & EGADE Master in International Business, Master in Finance, Master in Marketing (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration) 

Double degree: NHH MSc in Economics and Business Administration & HEC MSc in Sustainable Development (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration) 

Double degree: NHH MSc in Economics and Business Administration & UCLouvain MSc in Management Science/ Business Engineering (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration) 

M.Sc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc. in Business Creation and Entrepreneurship (University of Tromsø) 

Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration) 

International Business (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration) 

Science in Business (Bodø University College) 

Science in Business Administration, International Management (University of Agder) 

Science in Business and Economics (BI Norwegian School of Management) 

Science in Energy Management (Bodø University College) 

Science in Event Management (Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics) 

Science in Financial Economics (BI Norwegian School of Management) 

Science in in Strategic Marketing Management (BI Norwegian School of Management) 

Science in International Hotel and Tourism Leadership (University of Stavanger) 

Science in Leadership & Organizational Psychology (BI Norwegian School of Management) 

Science in Logistics (Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics) 

Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics) 

Science in Political Economy (BI Norwegian School of Management) 

Science in Project Management (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Science in Strategic Marketing Management (BI Norwegian School of Management) 

Science in Sustainable Management (Bodø University College) 

Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BI Norwegian School of Management) 

Part-time (Executive) MBA (BI Norwegian School of Management) 

Part-time Executive Master in Energy Management (BI Norwegian School of Management) 

International Master in Digital Library Learning (Oslo University College) 

Master of Science in Computer Science (University of Stavanger) 

Master of Science in Information Systems (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Telematics - Communication Networks and Networked Services (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master's Programme in Security and Mobile Computing (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master's Programme in System Dynamics (University of Bergen) 

M.Phil in Economics (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Environmental and Development Economics (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Health Economics, Policy, and Management (University of Oslo) 

Master in Development and Natural Resource Economics (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Master of Science in Economics (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

European Master in Higher Education (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Comparative and International Education (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Higher Education (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Special Needs Education (University of Oslo) 

Master of Philosophy in Education / Master of Philosophy in Religious Education (Norwegian Teacher Academy) 

Master Programme in Multicultural and International Education (Oslo University College) 

M.Sc. in Energy and Environmental Technology (Telemark University College) 

M.Sc. in Process Technology (Telemark University College) 

Master of Engineering in Electrical Power Engineering at Kathmandu University (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Microsystems Engineering (Vestfold University College) 

Master of Science in Coastal and Marine Civil Engineering (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Electric Power Engineering (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Environmental Technology (University of Stavanger) 

Master of Science in Geotechnics and Geohazards (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Hydropower Development (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Industrial Ecology (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Light Metals Production (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Marine Costal Development (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Marine Technology (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Medical Technology (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Offshore Technology (University of Stavanger) 

Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering (University of Stavanger) 

Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering/Petroleum Geoscience (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Petroleum Geosciences Engineering (University of Stavanger) 

Master of Science in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Silicon and Ferroalloy Production (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master's programme Color in Informatics and Media Technology (CIMET), Erasmus Mundus (Gjøvik University College) 

Msc Product- and system design (Aalesund University College) 

Msc Ship Design (Aalesund University College) 

Systems and Control Engineering (Telemark University College) 

M.Phil in Development Geography (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Geosciences (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc. in Geology (University of Tromsø) 

M.Phil in Chinese Civilization (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Chinese Society and Politics (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Culture, Environment and Sustainability (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Ibsen Studies (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Nordic Viking and Medieval Culture (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Tibetan Studies (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil of Chinese Society and Politics (University of Oslo) 

Master of Philosophy in Maritime Archaeology (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Globalisation (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Theology (MF Norwegian School of Theology) 

Master Program in Global Studies (School of Mission and Theology) 

Master Programme - Religion, Society and Global Issues (MF Norwegian School of Theology) 

Master's Programme in Digital Culture (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Nordic Languages and Literature (University of Bergen) 

M.Phil in East Asian Linguistics (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in English Language (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in English Literature (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil. in English Linguistics (University of Tromsø) 

M.Phil. in Theoretical Linguistics (University of Tromsø) 

Master in Literacy Studies (University of Stavanger) 

Master of Philosophy in English Language and Linguistics (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Philosophy in Linguistics (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master's Programme in English (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in French (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in German (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Linguistics (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Natural Language Processing (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Old Norse Philology (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Spanish Language Studies and Latin American Studies (University of Bergen) 

Master's of Laws in Information and Communication Technology Law (University of Oslo) 

Master's of Laws in Maritime Law (University of Oslo) 

Master's of Laws in Public International Law (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Astronomy (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Computational Science and Engineering (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Informatics: design, use and interaction (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Informatics: language and communication (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Informatics: nanoelectronics and robotics (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Informatics: programming and networks (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Informatics: technical and scientific applications (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Mathematics (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Network and System Administration (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc. in Computer Science (University of Tromsø) 

M.Sc. in Mathematics (University of Tromsø) 

M.Sc. in Statistics (University of Tromsø) 

Master of Science in Mathematics (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master Programme in Network and System Administration (Oslo University College) 

Master's degree in Computer Science (Østfold University College) 

Master's Programme in Applied and Computational Mathematics (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Aquaculture Biology (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Informatics (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Mathematics (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Statistics (University of Bergen) 

MSc in Information Security (Gjøvik University College) 

MSc in Media Technology (Gjøvik University College) 

Experience-based Master in Public Health (MPH) (University of Tromsø) 

M.Phil in International Community Health (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc. in Medical Biology (University of Tromsø) 

Master of Aquatic Medicine (Norwegian School of Veterinary Science) 

Master of Food Safety (Norwegian School of Veterinary Science) 

Master of philosophy in Health promotion (University of Bergen) 

Master of Science in Exercise Physiology/Sports Sciences (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Molecular Medicine (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master's Programme in Human biological sciences - Biomedical Image Sciences (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Human biological sciences - Medical cell biology (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in International Health (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Oral Sciences (University of Bergen) 

Advanced Studies for Solo Instrumentalists or Chamber Music Ensembles (Norwegian Academy of Music) 

Advanced Studies in Composition (Norwegian Academy of Music) 

In-depth Performance Studies – Master’s Level (Norwegian Academy of Music) 

Master in Music Performance (University of Stavanger) 

Master Programme in Music Performance, African-American Music (University of Agder) 

Master Programme in Music Performance, Western Classical Music (University of Agder) 

Master's Degree Programme in Conducting (Norwegian Academy of Music) 

Master's Degree Programme in Performance (Norwegian Academy of Music) 

European Master of Science in Radioecology (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

M.Sc in Aquaculture (Bodø University College) 

M.Sc in Biology (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Chemistry (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Marine Ecology (Bodø University College) 

M.Sc in Materials, Energy and Nanotechnology (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Modelling and Data Analysis (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Physiology (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Physics (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc in Physics of Geological Processes (University of Oslo) 

M.Sc. in Chemistry (University of Tromsø) 

M.Sc. in Aquaculture and Aquatic Ecophysiology (University of Tromsø) 

M.Sc. in Arctic Natural Resource Management and Agriculture (University of Tromsø) 

M.Sc. in Biology (Department of Biology) (University of Tromsø) 

M.Sc. in Biology (Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics) (University of Tromsø) 

M.Sc. in Physics (University of Tromsø) 

Master in Applied Ecology (Hedmark University College) 

Master of Science in Biological Chemistry (University of Stavanger) 

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Condensed Matter Physics and Biophysics (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Ecology - Specialisation General Ecology (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Master of Science in Environment and Natural Resources - Specialisation Sustainable Water and Sanitation, Health and Development (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences - Computational Biology (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Master of Science in Natural Resources Management (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Science in Plant Science (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Master`s degree programme in Aquaculture (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Master`s degree programme in Tropical Ecology and Management of Natural Resources (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Master's Programme in Biology (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Chemistry (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Earth Science (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Fisheries Biology and Management (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Geophysics (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Marine Biology (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Molecular Biology (University of Bergen) 

Master's Programme in Physics (University of Bergen) 

Joint Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations (University of Stavanger) 

M.Phil in the Theory and Practice of Human Rights (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil. in Indigenous Studies (University of Tromsø) 

M.Phil. in Peace and Conflict Transformation (University of Tromsø) 

Master in Human Rights and Multiculturalism (Buskerud University College) 

Master in Human Rights Practice (Erasmus Mundus Programme) (University of Tromsø) 

Master in Social Work - With a Comparative Perspective (Bodø University College) 

Master of Philosophy in Childhood Studies (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Philosophy in Development Studies, specialising in Geography (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master of Philosophy in Human Development (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) 

Master Programme in International Social Welfare and Health Policy (Oslo University College) 

Master's Programme in Public Administration (University of Bergen) 

Master's programme in Resources and Human Adaptations (University of Bergen) 

Development Studies (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

International Environmental Studies (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

M.Phil in Intercontextual Theology (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Psychology (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil in Religious Roots of Europe (University of Oslo) 

M.Phil. in Visual Cultural Studies (University of Tromsø) 

M.Sc. in International Fisheries Management (University of Tromsø) 

M.Sc. in Telemedicine and E-Health (University of Tromsø) 

Master of Industrial Design (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design) 

Master of Landscape architecture (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design) 

Master of Theology (School of Mission and Theology) 

2023 © Скандинавская школа

194044, Санкт-Петербург,
ул. Комиссара Смирнова,
дом 15, офис 301,
м. «Площадь Ленина» (выход на Боткинскую ул.), Выборгский ДК.

+7 (921) 945-86-96 КУРСЫ
+7 (921) 915-86-96 КАНИКУЛЫ
Эл. почта: ns@nordicschool.ru

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ПН - с 11.00 до 19.00
ВТ - с 11.00 до 19.00
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ПТ - с 11.00 до 18.00
СБ - выходной
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