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Списки поступивших 2023

Университеты на английском

1. Алина Л. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

2. Екатерина С. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme Digital International Business, XAMK UAS

3. Олег Т. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering, TAMK UAS

4. Эмилия К. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Haaga-Helia UAS

5. Евгения К. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management, LAB 

UAS (Lappeenranta)

Гимназии и школы на финском

1. Анастасия Д. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

2. Егор М. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

3. Арина О. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

4. Ярослава Д. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

5. Диана Т. – Tohmajärven lukio, Tohmajärvi

6. Серафима Г. – Tohmajärven lukio, Tohmajärvi  

Списки поступивших 2022

Университеты на английском

1. Данил В. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Management, LUT University

2. Максим К. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management, LUT University

3. Дарья Д. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAB UAS (Lappeenranta)

4. Дарья С. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Industrial Information Technology, LAB UAS (Lappeenranta)

5. Богдан К. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management, LAB UAS (Lappeenranta)

6. Александр Ш. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering, LAB UAS (Lappeenranta)

7. Екатерина И. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Esports Business, KAMK UAS

8. Александр Ф. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Software Engineering, TAMK UAS

9. Дмитрий Е. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Software Engineering, TAMK UAS

10.  Евгений Г. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Computer Applications, HAMK UAS

11.  Станислав П. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

12.  Максим О. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Karelia UAS

Университеты на финском

1. Пётр Г. – Insinööri (AMK), liikenneala, HAMK (Riihimäki)

Гимназии и школы на финском

1. Мария М. – Sallan lukiо, Salla

2. Ксения П. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

3. Елизавета С. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

4. Василиса И. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

5.  Мария М. – Tohmajärven lukio, Tohmajärvi

Колледжи на финском

1. Дмитрий Р. – Rakennusalan perustutkinto, Riveria, Lieksa

2. Данил Д. – Sähkö- ja automaatioalan perustutkinto, Riveria, Lieksa

Списки поступивших 2021

Университеты на английском

    1. Амалия С. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Haaga-Helia UAS
    2. Даниил З. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology, XAMK UAS
    3. Денис С. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAB (Lahti) UAS
    4. Константин Ф. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, TAMK UAS
    5. Лада Б. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS
    6. Лев Г. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAB (Lahti) UAS
    7. Мелиса Р. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Tourism Management, JAMK UAS
    8. Михаил С. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Software Engineering, TAMK UAS
    9. Михаил И. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAB (Lahti) UAS
    10. Наталья Т. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Industrial Information Technology, LAB (Lappeenranta) UAS
    11. Никита Б. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, LAB (Lappeenranta) UAS 
    12. Никита С. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Industrial Engineering, Karelia UAS
    13. Полина Б. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering, JAMK UAS
    14. Роман. Г. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology, VAMK UAS
    15. Софья K. - Tradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, päivätoteutus, Haaga-Helia (Helsinki) UAS 
    16. Тимур В. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Karelia UAS
    17. Юлия П. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Seinäjoki UAS

Университеты на финском

  1. Анна П. – Insinööri, energiatekniikka, Savonia AMK
  2. Софья К. – Liiketalouden tradenomi (AMK), Haaga-Helia AMK, Helsinki

Гимназии и школы на финском

  1. Анна Л. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee
  2. Андрей С. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee 
  3. Ваграм М. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee
  4. Дарья Б. – Savukosken lukio, Savukoski
  5. Елизавета М. – Tohmajärven lukio, Tohmajärvi
  6. Евгений Г. – Kiteen lukiо
  7. Илья Д. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee
  8. Карина Т. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

Колледжи на финском

  1. Андрей К. – Riveria, sähkö- ja automaatioala, Lieksa
  2. Виктория С. – Sampo, kokki, Lappeenranta
  3. Лидия С. – Elintarvikealan perustutkinto, Riveria, Nurmes
  4. Мария Т. – OSAO, Media-ala, Oulu
  5. Наталья А. – Sosiaali- ja terveysalan perustutkinto, Riveria, Joensuu
  6. Татьяна К. – Riveria, kokki, Kitee
  7. Янита Б. – Riveria, Sähköasentaja, Kite 


Списки поступивших 2020

Университеты на английском

1. Александр В. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology, XAMK UAS

2. Алёна П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering, JAMK UAS

3. Андрей М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Digital International Business, XAMK UAS

4. Анна К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering, HAMK UAS

5. Артём С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering, TAMK UAS

6. Артемий Л. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Metropolia UAS

7. Валерия П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Tourism Management, JAMK UAS

8. Вероника А. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Haaga-Helia UAS

9. Георгий К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAB (Lahti) UAS

10. Даниил Р. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

11. Даниил Р. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, HAMK UAS

12. Дарья Л. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Tourism Management, JAMK UAS

13. Денис С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Savonia UAS

14. Дмитрий Н. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering, JAMK UAS

15. Ева Ю. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAB (Lahti) UAS

16. Евгения М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAB (Lappeenranta) UAS

17. Елизавета А. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Hospitality Management, JAMK UAS

18. Иван К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology, LAB (Saimaa) UAS

19. Иван Ч. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

20. Илья Р. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Information Technology (BIT), JAMK UAS

21. Ксения А. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Hospitality Management, JAMK UAS

22. Ника М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

23. Софья В. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAB (Lappeenranta) UAS

24. Софья И. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Game Design, XAMK UAS

25. Яна Ч. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

Университеты на финском

1. Любовь Х. – Bioanalyytikko, Metropolia AMK, Helsinki

2. Мария В. – Suomen kieli ja kulttuuri, Хельсинкский университет

3. Наталья А. - Tradenomi, Metropolia AMK, Helsinki

4. Полина М. – Kuvataiteilija, Lapin AMK, Tornio

Гимназии и школы на финском

1. Валерий С. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

2. Вероника К. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

3. Глеб Я. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

4. Полина С. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

5. Юлианна С. – Kiteen lukio, Kitee

6. Марина С. – десятый класс финской школы

7. Фёдор Г. – десятый класс финской школы

Колледжи на финском

1. Александра Г. – Media-ala, Omnia, Espoo

2. Григорий Л. – Tekstiili- ja muotiala, Riveria, Joensuu

3. Даниил К. – Ravintola- ja catering-ala, Riveria, Lieksa

4. Мария Л. – Liiketoiminnan perustutkinto, Riveria, Lieksa

5. Наталья А. – Terveys- ja hyvinvointiala, lähihoitaja, Riveria, Joensuu

6. Ольга В. – Media-ala, Riveria, Outokump 


Университеты на английском

1. Александр Е. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Administration, Digital International Business, XAMK UAS

2. Александр Т. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Administration, Computer Applications, HAMK UAS

3. Анастасия К. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

4. Анастасия К. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Logistics, JAMK UAS

5. Анастасия С. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Engineering, Electrical and Automation Engineering, HAMK UAS

6. Анна З. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Engineering, Construction Engineering, HAMK UAS

7. Валерия М. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Logistics, JAMK UAS

8. Валерия Р. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

9. Вениамин М. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Engineering, Software Engineering, TAMK UAS

10. Дарья М. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Administration, Digital International Business, XAMK UAS

11. Диана С. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAMK UAS

12. Егор В. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Administration, HAMK UAS

13. Егор Г. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Administration, Digital International Business, XAMK UAS

14. Кирилл М. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

15. Максим С. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Maritime Management, Captain, Novia UAS

16. Мария Н. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Tourism Management, JAMK UAS

17. Мария Т. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Engineering, Information Technology, VAMK UAS

18. Михаил Ч. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business and Logistics, Metropolia UAS

19. Никита В. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAMK UAS

20. Никита М. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Game Design, XAMK UAS

21. Никита М. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology, Saimaa UAS

22. Николай С. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology, Saimaa UAS

23. Роман Е. — Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology, Saimaa UAS

Гимназии на английском

1. Анастасия Ж. — IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

2. Екатерина К. — IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

3. Елена Л. — IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

4. Кирилл С. — IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

5. Тимофей П. — IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

Колледжи на финском

1. Вячеслав И. —Elintarvikealan perustutkinto, Riveria, Лиекса

2. Глеб Ш. — Ravintola- ja cateringalan perustutkinto, Riveria, Лиекса

3. Екатерина С. —Liiketoiminnan perustutkinto, Riveria, Йоэнсуу

4. Елизавета К. — Liiketoiminnan perustutkinto, Riveria, Лиекса

5. Мария Б. —Matkailualan perustutkinto, Riveria, Йоэнсуу

6. Николай К. — Media-alan ja kuvallisen ilmaisun perustutkinto, Riveria, Оутокумппу

7. Полина К. —Liiketoiminnan perustutkinto, Riveria, Лиекса 


Университеты на английском

1. Александр Б. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, LАМК UAS

2. Андрей А. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Logistics, JAMK UAS

3. Анна С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

4. Анна С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Vaasa UAS

5. Арсений П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

6. Богдан К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

7. Валерий П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Karelia UAS

8. Валерия К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

9. Варвара А. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

10. Даниил С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

11. Данила Н. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology, ХАМК UAS

12. Дмитрий Л. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, XAMK UAS

13. Елизавета О. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, Saimaa UAS

14. Елизавета Т. - Вachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, HAMK UAS

15. Илья Щ. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering, TАМК UAS

16. Мария А. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

17. Мария Г. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

18. Михаил К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Logistics, JAMK UAS

19. Михаил С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in IT, Metropolia UAS

20. Назир А. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, Saimaa UAS

21. Ольга В. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

22. Павел Б. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

23. Петр К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

24. Софья Е. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

25. Татьяна Т. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

Гимназии на английском

1. Алена Г. - IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

2. Анастасия Л. - IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

3. Богдан Б. - IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

4. Мария К. - IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

5. Милана Т. - IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

6. Милена М. - IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

7. Софья П. - IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti 


Университеты на английском

1. Александр Р. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, HAMK UAS

2. Анастасия О. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, Saimaa UAS

3. Анна В. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Logistics, JAMK UAS

4. Анна Ч. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, XAMK UAS

5. Антон Г. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering, HAMK UAS

6. Арина Ш. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology, HAMK UAS

7. Валерия А. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

8. Виктор С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology, ХАМК UAS

9. Давид Д. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Construction Engineering, HAMK UAS

10. Денис Б. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Logistics, JAMK UAS

11. Екатерина М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, Saimaa UAS

12. Елизавета З. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology, ХАМК UAS

13. Елизавета Л. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Lahti UAS

14. Иван Г. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, HAMK UAS

15. Илья К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology, ХАМК UAS

16. Илья Т. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Logistics, JAMK UAS

17. Максим К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, HAMK UAS

18. Мария Ф. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

19. Назар К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

20. Никита Р. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

21. Полина С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sport and Leisure Management, Kajaani UAS

22. Самир М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

23. Семен Г. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

24. Таисия З. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

25. Юлия Т. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

26. Юсуп К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, LАМК UAS

Гимназии на английском

1. Аким И. - IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti

2. Егор Е. - IB Diploma programme, Kannaksen lukio, Lahti 


Университеты на английском

1. Александр С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Construction Engineering, HAMK UAS

2. Амир С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Logistics, JAMK UAS

3. Анастасия В. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Construction Engineering, HAMK UAS

4. Анастасия Ф. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

5. Анатолий З. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Construction Engineering, HAMK UAS

6. Анна К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Logistics, JAMK UAS

7. Анна М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering, HAMK UAS

8. Анна С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Lahti UAS

9. Арсений Э. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Haaga-Helia UAS

10. Валентин П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering, HAMK UAS

11. Василиса В. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Nursing, Lahti UAS

12. Виталий Б. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Arcada UAS

13. Даниил Т. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Lahti UAS

14. Елена Б. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Construction Engineering, HAMK UAS

15. Илья Б. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

16. Илья Д. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Saimaa UAS

17. Карл Э. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sports and Leisure Management, Kajaani UAS

18. Константин П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

19. Мария Б. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

20. Мария К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology, МАМК UAS

21. Мария Н. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Lahti UAS

22. Никита К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

23. Никита С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

24. Ольга Ш. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environmental Chemistry and Technology, Centria UAS

25. Полина М. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

26. Сергей Ф. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sports and Leisure Management, Kajaani UAS

27. Сергей Х. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environmental Chemistry and Technology, Centria UAS

28. Софья С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Logistics, JAMK UAS

29. Тимур Т. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Haaga-Helia UAS

30. Юрий П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS 


Университеты на английском

1. Автандил Ш. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Centria UAS

2. Александр А. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Building Engineering, Helsinki Metropolia UAS

3. Александр Е. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology, Centria UAS

4. Александр Л. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering, TAMK UAS

5. Александр Л. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Saimaa UAS

6. Алёна Ф. - Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business and Marketing, Haaga-Helia UAS

7. Анастасия Г. - Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Lahti UAS

8. Анастасия Г. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Management, MAMK UAS

9. Анастасия Д. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, KYAMK UAS

10. Анастасия Д. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAMK UAS

11. Анастасия П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

12. Анастасия С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

13. Анастасия Т. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Logistics Engineering, JAMK UAS

14. Анатолий П. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

15. Анна М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Logistics Engineering, JAMK UAS

16. Анна Н. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAMK UAS

17. Анна П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business IT, Laplandia UAS

18. Антон Б. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Laplandia UAS

19. Аполинарий С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Electrical & Automation Engineering, HAMK UAS

20. Арина Б. - Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Lahti UAS

21. Валерий И. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Savonia UAS

22. Валерия З. - Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business and Marketing, Haaga-Helia UAS

23. Варвара П. - Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Haaga-Helia UAS

24. Виктория М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Centria UAS

25. Владимир Д. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAMK UAS

26. Дарья В. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

27. Диана С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAMK UAS

28. Дмитрий К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Saimaa UAS

29. Дмитрий Н. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAMK UAS

30. Екатерина М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

31. Екатерина П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Industrial Management, Centria UAS

32. Екатерина Т. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Logistics Engineering, JAMK UAS

33. Елизавета Х. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

34. Захар А. – Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Karelia UAS

35. Иван М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

36. Игорь М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering, MAMK UAS

37. Илья С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology, Oulu UAS

38. Кристина Г. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

39. Ксения В. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Management, MAMK UAS

40. Мария К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

41. Мария О. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Construction Engineering, HAMK UAS

42. Михаил Б. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Logistics Engineering, JAMK UAS

43. Михаил С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Construction Engineering, HAMK UAS

44. Наргиза Д. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Electronics, Metropolia UAS

45. Наталия Е. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, VAMK UAS

46. Никита П. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Saimaa UAS

47. Никита Р. - Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Lahti UAS

48. Николай К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Automation Engineering, HAMK UAS

49. Ольга Ю. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in European Business Administration, Helsinki Metropolia UAS

50. Петр В. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering, TAMK UAS

51. Полина Г. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering, MAMK UAS

52. Полина М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business IT, LAMK UAS

53. Полина Р. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Electrical & Automation Engineering, HAMK UAS

54. София Т. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, LAMK UAS

55. Софья Е. - Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, Haaga-Helia UAS

56. Софья М. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, JAMK UAS

57. Татьяна К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Management, MAMK UAS

58. Тимур К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, KYAMK UAS

59. Хельга К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Tourism, Haaga-Helia UAS

60. Эльза К. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, VAMK UAS

61. Юлия С. - Bachelor’s Degree Programme in International Business, VAMK UAS 

2023 © Скандинавская школа

194044, Санкт-Петербург,
ул. Комиссара Смирнова,
дом 15, офис 301,
м. «Площадь Ленина» (выход на Боткинскую ул.), Выборгский ДК.

+7 (921) 945-86-96 КУРСЫ
+7 (921) 915-86-96 КАНИКУЛЫ
Эл. почта: ns@nordicschool.ru

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ПН - с 11.00 до 19.00
ВТ - с 11.00 до 19.00
СР - с 11.00 до 19.00
ЧТ - с 11.00 до 19.00
ПТ - с 11.00 до 18.00
СБ - выходной
ВС - выходной

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